Flaking your rope is super important… in this video, learn why and how from your rock climbing
Welcome back to Mountain syllabus I’m Miss Lewis today we’re learning how to Flake a rope and why it’s so important [Music] All right If you’re new to the climbing World Flaking can seem like a really weird Term but it basically means when Climbers take the rope and they feed it Through their hands and stack it on top Of itself so they can make sure that There’s no twists or Tangles as the Belayer is going to be feeding the Rope To the climber If you skip the step of flaking it can Be really difficult to get those twists And tangles out while your Climbers on The wall When flaking your rope a smart first Step is to utilize a rope tarp this can Help to keep your rope off the dirt so That your rope doesn’t get dirty you Don’t need to wash it as often and it Will last longer got my rope tarp here I’m going to spread it out onto this Area Next I’m going to grab my rope I’m going to go ahead and unwrap my coil From last time [Music] I can go ahead and throw this on either A nearby rock or onto your pack Once you’ve found a spot to put your Rope you’re going to want to find the
End of it and tie a stopper knot stopper Knots are so important you want to be Able to close the system so your climber Can’t ground Fall by the end of the Rope Going through your belay device With a stop or not it closes the system And your climber even if they run out of Rope they won’t fall to the ground I’m going to tie my stopper knot by Taking two fingers like this and Creating an X and one more Loop and then The end of my rope here will come all The way through all of that and out the Other side Foreign Now on my tarp here I’m going to take my Stopper knot and put it right through This end part just so I don’t lose one Side of my rope All right now that I’m set up I’m ready To start actually flaking my rope I’m Going to go ahead and feed the Rope Through my hands and stack it on top of Itself onto the tarp This is a great time to do some Inspection on your rope make sure There’s no soft spots and no fraying Points either If while you are flaking your rope it’s Kind of hard and you’re having to pull Up on a lot of things that’s actually a Good thing because you know that you’re Getting all those twists and tangles out Now rather than why your climber is on
The wall It’s okay if your rope looks a little Bit messy what matters is that you’re Stacking the Rope on top of itself All right now I am reaching the end of My rope which means I am done flaking This is the side where my climber will Tie themselves into I like to set this Part off to the side so it doesn’t get Lost with the rest of my rope flaking is A really important practice you want to Do it for every time on every climb it’s Really important as a player to be able To give your full focus and attention to Your climber and you can’t do that if There’s knots and tangles in the Rope as You’re feeding it out to your lead Climber So now you know how to flake your rope And why it’s so important I’m Miss Lewis And this is Mountain syllabus