Rock Climbing Basics

Rock Climbing Basics

Rock Climbing Basics: Close to the wall Having a clear understanding of the basics of rock climbing can make a huge difference in the way you climb. It allows you…

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Rock Climbing Vocab: Footholds

Rock Climbing Vocab: Footholds

Learn the different types of footholds in rock climbing.Etching is where you use the inside or Outside edge of your shoe smearing is When there’s not actually really a Foothold on the wall step through it’s Kind of like you’re…

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12 Foot Placement Techniques in Rock Climbing

12 Foot Placement Techniques in Rock Climbing

Footwork is the most important element in rock climbing. Stairs have a railing but you don’t pull yourself up the staircase. Ladders have rungs but you don’t do a series of pull-ups to reach the top. Climbing is the same.…

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