Natural and Organic Skincare Products for Rock Climbers: Benefits and Recommendations

Natural and Organic Skincare Products for Rock Climbers: Benefits and Recommendations

Natural and Organic Skincare Products for Rock Climbers: Benefits and Recommendations The Importance of Skincare for Rock Climbers As a rock climber, you know how tough the sport can be…

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The 20 Hardest Climbing Routes in the World

The 20 Hardest Climbing Routes in the World

The Hardest Climbing Routes in the World No matter if you are just beginning or an experienced climber, the most difficult routes around the globe can be a good way…

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Stretching Flexibility For Rock Climbing

Stretching Flexibility For Rock Climbing

Stretching Flexibility For Rock Climbing During climbing, flexibility is an important part of performance. It is also a very important factor in preventing injury. There are many different stretches that…

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How to Start Learning Rock Climbing

How to Start Learning Rock Climbing

How to Start Learning Rock Climbing Whether you’re an experienced climber or a beginner, learning rock climbing is a great way to have fun and get outside. You can climb…

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Rock Climbing Basics

Rock Climbing Basics

Rock Climbing Basics: Close to the wall Having a clear understanding of the basics of rock climbing can make a huge difference in the way you climb. It allows you…

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Learn the Indoor Rock Climbing Basics

Learn the Indoor Rock Climbing Basics

Learn the Indoor Rock Climbing Basics Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced climber, learning the indoor rock climbing basics can help you have a safe and fun experience. Climbing…

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Indoor Rock Climbing Techniques

Indoor Rock Climbing Techniques

Indoor Rock Climbing Techniques Whether you are just starting out or are looking to get back in the saddle, indoor rock climbing techniques are a great way to keep fit….

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Rock Climbing Basics - Heel Hooks 

Rock Climbing Basics – Heel Hooks 

Rock Climbing Basics – Heel Hooks Using heel hooks is a great way to climb steep walls and aretes. They allow you to take your weight off your hands, which…

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Rock Climbing basics SMEARING

Rock Climbing Basics: Smearing

Rock Climbing Basics: Smearing Getting into rock climbing basics involves acquiring the right equipment, proper footwork, and trusting your body to get you up the mountain. A great technique to…

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Rock Climbing Basics - STEPPING THROUGH

Rock Climbing Basics – STEPPING THROUGH

Rock Climbing Basics – STEPPING THROUGH Whether you’re just starting to climb, or you’ve been climbing for years, there are some basic techniques you should know. These techniques are used…

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