One of the best things you can do for your climbing progression is surround yourself with talented climbers. This applies particularly when climbers that show an expertise in a certain area. In today’s episode Josh Hadley, primarily an outdoor climber, joins Jen Wood for an indoor climbing session. Jen is a competition climber, competing on the international stage. So she definitely classes as an expert at indoor climbing. Josh on the other hand, not so much. As an example of what you can gain from climbing with others Josh aims to come up with at least 3 important lessons he learned from this single climbing session. Technique, tactics, mindset?
If you have learned any important or lessons from climbing, or even watching other climbers, let us know in the comments below.
One of the best things you can do for Your progression in climbing is climbing With more talented or better climbers Than yourself This is because they’re going to push Your confidence they can push out your Comfort zone and you’re going to learn So much from them so jen is a very good Indoor climber myself i’m definitely More of an outdoor climber so most of my Experiences by the end of the session I’m going to come up with three main Lessons i’ve learned as an example of What you can take away from climbing With experience climbers [Music] Well i’ve actually ordered them all They’ve got numbers so It’s easy place to start one Number one waste one number one i think It might like purple oh no really okay The one you’re least looking forward to That’s fine let’s get that one out of The way my skin’s so baby soft as well From not climbing for two and a half Weeks we got a list of josh’s excuses Yeah I’m very sympathetic Of course Not sure i believe that Right we’ve tagged it up it’s two starts Two limbs here and two limbs here Finish up matched i don’t think i can Get off the ground tip one be optimistic
Optimistic Come on That’s attempt number one How many ways are there Go on No Can’t fall off the ground Go on gently [Music] I go out but i’m not sure How much difference it makes and see we Can stand like further back on the ball Like As far out as you feel comfortable And it makes it more slabby Yeah because this is over hanging by About five degrees isn’t it yeah it’s a Bit deceptive One tip all the way Yeah that’s it Getting this tiny little space Go on Yeah yeah nice Smooth Things in the way your chest isn’t it Looks like i could reach it but this Yeah just pushing you out loads Pull the master back like doing this Can i try it from here My skin’s rolling on that you have a Brush stick Excuse And me we do somewhere what would you Like russian
The big blob please There we go No excuses now [Music] We move on to the next one save a bit of Energy not going from the bottom [Music] He’s got it honey He’s sure i’m gonna go again yeah Get the full all right i’ll brush it Again if you like it did feel a lot Better actually doing that I reckon you try and breathe when you’re Like here and hurt because you that’s The relaxing point isn’t it yeah if you Remember you can It’ll help Nice Yeah Come on Oh How did i do it last time i can reach This Go ahead and go over and reach that Skip out Yeah we’ll forget Yeah yeah that’s it Nice Come on Nice josh Quiet Yeah Come on [Music]
Guys keep pushing yeah yeah yeah yeah Nice come on Yeah sick Well good Oh Oh man he’s gonna pop out The ugly good one this Kim Oh Think blow in a pocket Yeah nice Come Nice [Music] All right Easy Very smooth Now it’s nice a bit easier Lovely the nice one this wasn’t one of Mine But i tried to make it easier and i Don’t think i succeeded Still a struggle What do you do jen when you you’re Looking at something and it looks Terrifying you don’t want to try it at All What goes through your head Or does that not go through your head When you look at indoor times i’d say it Does sometimes normally i turn around And go oh but that move looks amazing i Can’t wait to do that or Oh but that will be really fun but i
Don’t know Yeah make it positive Okay yeah okay it’ll be really cool when I managed to do that match without Falling Yeah and it’s just a pretty boulder who Wouldn’t want to climb it it is a pretty Looking boulder yeah i think it’s really Hard to plan these ones though you just Gotta trust your movement a little bit You have to be even more intuitive Perhaps yeah And a bit of trust in like what feels Right Grump Nice [Applause] [Laughter] Little moves Nuts oh no Oh Flair i thought you nailed it Couldn’t have gone worse every foot slip Just started rushing When you think you’ve like sorted the Moves so you can get through them Quicker it doesn’t work on this Oh [Music] I was nearly off That’s good that’s kind of scary i think A bit of breathing helps Yeah come on [Music]
Yeah Good Nice come on Yeah yeah that’s it Oh No Oh you look so good on it Nice Yeah and then get heal on going Oh God that’s so scary four is a tom Randall creation The blue one yeah Super Weird hard to read i think a bit cryptic So when i’m watching world cups i’ll Look at the boulder problems i’ll be Like oh yeah that’s what you do Yeah and then when you’re actually Looking at it It’s like being on a game show Getting that like stage fright you know What i’m doing i don’t know i think i Just have to pull on and see what Happens come on Nice Yeah go on Wow nice [Music] So [Music] I don’t know you have to do every move There’s a double do you know what i do i Don’t even know how you did that i
Watched you do it and i’m like wait she Did the dub she did a devil and the Devil I don’t even know how you ended up over Here and i have to try and repeat it in My mind Yeah just a bit higher And this or this uh like with your hips Straighten your legs more like even Though you don’t have to jump to get the Holes you still want to be really into The wall What a nice go on josh It’s so hard to match that foot oh my God it’s so complicated it’s Yeah a complex folder They love doing that in a compass It’s like not super hard when you’ve Nailed it but Working it all out and the subtleties Takes ages yeah yeah what grade do you Think this is general sandbaggings They’re all about v5 i i think it’s About v5 When you’ve done the moves like a couple Of times they feel easy Yeah okay It’s just a lot of learning but you’ll Be able to do the move first before you Can do it a couple of times i need to Brush it i need to Just need better skin Excuse counter Hair
Better brush All right let’s pretend i’m foot swapped Yeah so if i can do this next see That into the corner Yeah yeah and then slide your foot I think leave the heel leave the heel Yeah and just get all the way over My issue of confidence is i’m very Confident approaching it And when i’ve failed a few times that’s Like My experience is now just failure and i Start to lose all the confidence in it But you know you can do it like you’ve Half done every single move you’ve done Most of the other me’s Yeah go on Nice Slide the foot And then Yeah i think the issue was i was Dropping down and that’s why the hill Slid off yeah Okay that makes sense push It’s like being chained by yoder it’s All kind of coming in riddles you gotta Work out Apparently i’m an old wise wrinkly man [Laughter] Bounce Let’s assume i’m good enough to have got Through all of that And then i just need to go up It’s a good finish hold right
Go on Nice Yeah yeah yeah yeah go on come on Nice I successfully did a move on the boulder You of course very excited to all of Them You did the first movie everyone needs a Climbing pattern i like jen so you’re Really close When you really don’t feel very close Right five is Oh a bit of burl [Music] Beautiful thank you Come on Nice Come on Come on Yeah good Nice josh go on come on If you can it’s so good to climb with People better than you because it’s just Like Almost a sure bet that is going to do Wonders for your climbing and your Progression but you do have to like your Ego has to deal with the fact that they Start Playing around on your projects Flashing all your projects But yeah it does teach you quite a lot About technique and Tactics and stuff
Nice josh come on Good Yeah good Come on That’s it Nice one Oh why does that hill feel so bad That’s like why it’s really scary to Like make that move because Your foot’s so high It’s making a mess i’ll show you how That’s dungeon Oh thank you so much Are you welcome that’s all right How you do that move go go go Nice You know it just feels like if you take This hand off to match it it’s just Gonna fire As you like make that move Another burly one but A little bit Easier no don’t say that jen because i Might actually do it and then they were Like oh look he’s back on form Much harder this one hardest one of the Set Yeah yeah So you wanna hear Nice Come on Just commit oh You’re right yeah yeah skin Like
A bit sore Not an excuse i’m just making a Statement It’s fine Knee bar i see it was sneaky can you get A left uh yeah the left knee and just Like Double touch right even using the jug Come On Oh nice go on Come on Nice josh Nice And he’s not quite as good as i thought But you kind of need it aren’t you the Jug’s not you kind of need it yeah right Number seven is the slabby slab Oh this one’s scary oh my god Nice if you were scared on the other one See i’m employing the tactics already That finnish moves looks fun yeah there You go that’s the right terminology for That isn’t it winning attitude Yeah yeah nice Come on Good move oh so hard to match feet Whenever you if you turn your foot like This there’s a bit more opposition Yeah and then i’m facing the handhold I’m struggling to like match both at the Same time I need to rest It’s so scary
It looks so fun jen go on Oh Good effort Come on Come on Close Oh that’s safe committing Uh Whoa Spicy I’m way caliente Come on Come on Yeah nice josh Come on Yeah good Come on Let’s pick One Go on there’s full veins Go on go and go go go yes nice That was sick That indecisiveness like like tap Dancing in that hole for a while I think you rarely get moves you have to Commit like that on outdoor climbing Really Yeah yeah i don’t know have you ever Done anything like that outdoors no but I’ve not done anything else Right the final boulder It’s a quick one Maybe all right let’s see the speed I think i’ve gone too high
Swivel No you need your heel like overhead Didn’t you Nice Yeah go on that’s it Come on Yeah Nice That is fun that’s why i’ll get that One of them lazy boulders that works out A treat yeah they just like chucked some Holes in yeah yeah do that as you can Probably tell from this session jen is a Much better indoor climber than me but This is just an example of how you can Learn so much from climbing with someone Which is very good at what they do and Three of the biggest things i probably Learned from jen just in this one Session alone was for a start reframing How scared you can get on boulders so Like jen said think about the Opportunity to try something adventurous And how fun it can be the next one was Intuition so Typically an indoor climbing especially In this more comp style there’s so many Massive holds and there’s no like Defined place you grab it Or what grip you’re going to use so Relying on a bit on intuition and Experience for knowing that you’re going To find the body positions and the Placements like as you get there and
Being able to adapt as you go and the Third one is definitely thinking outside The box i hope to have jen here show me Some different options but i was very Quickly getting stuck into trying like The same body positions over and over Hoping that something else was going to Change but clearly wasn’t and gen very Simply said just stand up or like try a Different body position and yeah it Completely changed the boulder from Feeling impossible to easy basically Yeah so thanks for joining i hope you Enjoyed it if you want to see more Please subscribe [Music] You