Incredible Sloper Strength with the Heavy Roller | Lattice Training

Incredible Sloper Strength with the Heavy Roller | Lattice Training

Sloper and wrist strength is essential for climbing and injury prevention. However it can be hard to really target this form of training and get the intensity high enough to build high levels of recruitment. This problem is solved with the Heavy Roller! Coming from the world of professional arm-lifting sports this form of training is tried and tested and targets the muscles involved with hard slopers when climbing. It allows us to train them specifically off the wall and work on the strength and conditioning of the wrist. In this video Harley, the designer of this new product, talks us through how to use the mechanics of sloper and wrist strength and how to train effectively.

Sleeper strength is so fundamental to Climbing but we often find it difficult To train slopers off the wall so today We’re going to go over our favorite Products for training sloper strength And developing super strong risks [Music] To develop past labor strength we first Need to understand the fundamentals of How we hold slopers so here we have a Sloper now a really good way to hold Slippers is staying really low and Keeping you a center of gravity right Underneath it when I do this you can see I’m really flexed at the wrist here and To engage that position I need to have Really strong wrist flexors to train This great position we’re going to move Away from the hangboard and pick up our New device the heavy roller We found that the arm limited Community Have been training this position for a Long time using a device like the heavy Roller and you can see when I roll the Device away from me And flex my wrist we’re in the exact Same position we were on the on the Sleeper and we can load up with as much Or as little weight as we need to Let’s head over to the weights now and See how to use the heavy roller just Like training a hangboard we’re going to Train with the heavy roller Isometrically what this means is we’re

Going to set a stack of Weights up at The intensity we’re looking to train We’re going to pick our grip type and We’re going to lift hold that for a set Period of time and then relax So to train that grip position that we Saw on the sofa earlier we’re gonna pick The heavy roller up attached to our Weights and we’re going to roll the Heavy roller into our Palm this means That when we lift it it’s going to want To spin this way right it’s going to Want to open up our hand which means That we have to work against that motion With our wrist flexors An additional form cue here is tucking The thumb next to the fingers and this Is going to provide additional work to The finger flexors as we have to really Squeeze that bar to stop it from rolling Out of our hand Because this grip position is very Different to what we find on a hangboard You can often add this to your training Plan in addition to hang boarding The heavy roll is a great device because Not only can we target the wrist flexors But we can flip it round and really work The wrist extensors we’re going to use a Closed grip and lift like this with our Wrist extended and this is the best way To get a heavy load to those wrist and Finger extensor muscles Wrist and finger extensors are really

Important for developing grip strength On deep wide pinches and high angle Crimps If you’ve just picked up a heavy roller A good place to start would be to train With both of these grip types five lifts Of 10 seconds on each hand with a two Minutes rest between each set working About 80 of your one rep max We’ve just covered the fundamentals of Training wrist flexion extension using a Heavy roller but we’ve also got two Other axis of movement in the wrist we Have deviation And pronation and supination now we’ve Also got another product the pin grip That we use to train these These muscles are really important for Stabilizing the wrist and expressing Your full strength especially when we’ve Got holds out to the side and at a funny Angle That’s why it’s really important to Train pronation supination and deviation We really like to do this with a pin Grip and lifting pin we also like to use Fractional weight plates because we can Make small incremental changes to our Load The fractional weight plates help us Apply incremental loads to the smaller Muscle groups found in the forearm This gives you a really simple method For applying load to the muscles that

Initiate these movements So just like the hangboard and the heavy Roller we like to train with the pin Grip and lifting pin isometrically We’re going to hold four leveraged grip Positions for 30 seconds each so that’s 30 seconds in ulna deviation 30 seconds in radial deviation 30 seconds in pronation And 30 seconds in supination With two minutes rest between each of Those sets and to get the right Intensity we’re looking at an 8 out of 10 effort on each of these holes check Out the link in the description below to Head over to our webshop and learn more About these products [Music]

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