Rock climbing is a dangerous activity. Learn how to protect yourself and others from accidents.
Hi everyone today we’re talking about The five H’s I’m your teacher Miss Lewis And this is Mountain syllabus [Music] All right so what are the five H’s the Five H’s are something that climbers use To check themselves and each other Before they start climbing on the wall The first one is your head This is where you’re checking your hair And your helmet my hair is right now in A braid so I can just toss that behind Me you just don’t want it to be in front Where it can get tangled in anything That might be going on up here maybe a Belay device or your repel device Anything like that Most gyms and if you’re climbing inside Won’t make you wear a helmet but when You’re outside it’s always a good idea To wear your helmet when you put this on You want to start with it a little bit Loose and you want it to be between the Top of your forehead and your eyebrows You can tighten the back and you’ll want To clip in your chin strap making sure That it won’t jiggle around as you’re Climbing So now that we’ve checked my head next We want to check your human I like to think of this as the brain and The body first off checking in with Yourself mentally am I ready to climb am I too tired and am I way too afraid of
The wall some days you’re going to have To work through your fear and that’s Okay but other days you want to make Sure that you are climbing within your Limits All right next you want to check on your Body this is if you have any injuries or Anything that might be able to be Tweaked on the wall maybe if you Sprained your ankle last week you might Want to give it a little bit more time To rest before you put pressure on it That way So checking your human is your brain and Your body So far we have now checked our head and Our human now we’re going to check our Harness When putting on your harness I’m going To make sure it’s all the right way no Twists before you put it on you’re going To step into it just like a pair of Pants You’re going to pull it up higher than Your hip bones You’re going to tighten it and Tuck any Excess straps away All right so now we’ve checked our head Our human and our harness next up is Hardware You want to make sure that you have any Gear that you need to go up like quick Draws any gear you might need to come Down like a Repel device or a personal
Anchor system and this is also the step Where you’re going to check your knot All right so now we’ve checked our head Human harness and Hardware next up is Harmful objects this can be anything That could hurt you or others so maybe You have a really long necklace on you Don’t want to get caught up in anything That’s going on in front If you’re wearing Rings you want to take Those off so they don’t pinch your Fingers on the wall and maybe anything That’s in your pocket that could either Hurt you or fall down onto somebody else Like a phone All right so now you know what the five H’s are head human harness hardware and Harmful objects The five H’s are a great checklist to be Able to go over with yourself and your Climbing partner to make sure that You’re safe and ready for a day of Climbing I’m your teacher Miss Lewis and this is Mountain syllabus