We are really excited to have Sidonie (@sidoniegabriella) join us today to give you a specific climbing yoga follow along routine. We’ve been asked many times if we can do a yoga session for your climbing flexibility, now we’ve got you covered. Sid has worked for years teaching yoga and working specifically with climbers to improve flexibility and strength. Her knowledge and skill is excellent! In this episode Sid takes us through a quick routine that works very well for warm ups before a session, cool downs after a session, or just on its own to keep you moving throughout the day. We have also filmed a longer routine with Sid that will be coming out soon, so please subscribe and click the bell for notifications if you are interested in more!
Hi i’m sid I’m a climate and yoga teacher based in Sheffield and this is just a little Follow along that you can do pre or post Session or maybe on your lunch break if You want to get moving a little bit okay So we’re going to start off on all fours In a tabletop position so spread your Fingers wide press your knuckles down Into the match Wrists under the shoulders knees under The hips We’ll just start by dropping the belly To the floor lifting the chest forwards Looking up to the ceiling and then Reverse this to round the spine and Hollow out the back This is called tap cow so we’re just Flowing here between these two movements And this is just going to start to Warm up the spine Starting to get things moving a little Bit more And then if you want to have a play Around with it you can just start to Rotate into the torso as well Maybe bring a bit of movement into the Head The neck and the upper spine And if there’s anywhere that’s a little Bit tight or niggling You can just pause there for a moment Before moving out Maybe take it in the opposite direction
So we’re just freeing up some space at The minute in the spine Okay So let’s come back into stillness we’re Keeping the palms where they are And then just looking to straighten out The arms if you have hyperextensive Elbows keep a little bit of a bend there Just so we’re not locking it out And we’re just going to do Some scapular movement here so keep the Arms straight and then just start to Slide the shoulder blades towards each Other in the center of the back And then gently just push the floor away So the shoulder blades move apart So just isolating that movement into the Shoulders bringing a little bit of Stability here And we’re trying to keep the elbows Spinning backwards So elbows spinning back eyes of the Elbow spinning forward And you can slow the breath down here as Well If you want to make it a little bit Harder you can do the same thing by Tucking the toes lifting the knees And then we’re still isolating that Movement in the shoulder Might be a little bit shakier But same just here Okay All right
You can drop the knees if they’re here Let’s just start from here to walk the Hands forward so bum is gonna stay high Walk the hands forward drop the forehead To the floor elbow stay lifted So we moved a little bit into the Shoulders and now we’re just taking a Moment to relax Open them out slightly not to the point Where we’re going to lose that stability But just So we’re getting that gentle release and It feels quite nice just to breathe into This for a moment Okay as you breathe out let’s just start To walk the hands back in We’ll tuck the toes underneath at the Back of the mat and look for a downward Facing dog so again keep the hands where They are gently raise the knees lift the Hips keep a little bit of a bend in your Legs and try and press your chest back Towards your thighs Shoulders rolling away from the ears so We don’t want to be hunched up like this We’re looking for length through the Spine through the arms maybe pedal here Into the legs just a little bit If you have some tightness in the carves Again we’re just gonna release that Maybe wiggle the hips a little bit nod The head shake the head Just looking to find that release Okay let’s keep the feet where they are
Start to walk your hands in now Really important again that we don’t Lock out the legs we’re not looking to Lengthen too much so just keep some Softness Take hold of your elbows let your head Hang nice and heavy here And just take a little sway from side to Side Transfer the weight between the feet Again you can Roll the shoulders a little bit here Okay As you release the elbows let’s place The left hand to the center of the mat Just in front of the feet Bend the left leg right leg straightens Little twist as you extend your right Hand towards the ceiling nice open palm And then we’ll swap sides right palm Plants right knee bends big stretch up With that left arm open up the fingers And then gently come back down Soften the knees again chin to chest We’re just going to roll ourselves all The way up into standing Palms together as you breathe in draw The belly button to the spine and then We’re just going to die forwards again Just keep it soft Lovely Let’s walk the hands forwards now And we’re going to come into a high Plank
You might need to shuffle the feet back A little bit focus on tucking your Tailbone in again round through the Shoulders push the floor away Drop your knees let’s just lower down Onto the belly here Untuck the toes baby cobra gentle back Bend So no weight on the hands use the Muscles either side of the spine to lift If you want you can hover the feet as Well Maybe hover the hands if you want to Bring that strength into the back And then we’ll gently drop down Keep the legs active this time push away From the palms a little bit Open your chest lift your chin away high Cobra And then we’ll just drop it back down Tuck the toes Press your bum back towards the heels You can do this with the toes untucked As well but this is quite a nice stretch For the soles of the feet If we’re cramming our feet into climbing Shoes which we probably will be doing After this if this is pre-session They’re nice to find that length first Okay rock forwards a little bit Lift your hips up we’ll come back into That downward dog Take the right leg to the ceiling now And then we’ll just bend into the knee
Foot comes in towards the bum and it’s Like you’re pushing away an invisible Wall with the sole of the foot keep the Equal weight in the palms just bring Some stability into the core as you roll Forward tap right knee to left elbow Across the body and then we’ll come back Into that hip opener which is called Split dog Draw the knee towards the nose this time Little tap And then open it back up into the hip Opener Nice right knee right elbow this time Step your foot outside the hand take a Moment just to ease into the hip Keep the weight on the palms and then We’ll step back into a downward dog Take this on the other side now left leg Rises bend your knee draw that heel Close Split dog Roll forwards left knee to right elbow This is also bringing stability to the Shoulders Let’s take it back up open that hip for Split dog Knee to nose as you come forward really Round through the spine Take it back up into that split duck One more time left knee towards left Elbow Big step with that foot gentle ease into The hips
Just to open up And then take it back up into your Downward duck Lovely let’s drop the knees here untuck The toes Place the palms on the thighs And just give the shoulders a little Roll back Cool Okay Drop the shoulders down left ear towards Left shoulder A little bit of length in the right side Of the neck You can also do this with the fingertips On the floor if you want a little bit More stretch Let’s drop the chin And gently take it over to the other Side Maybe breathing a little bit heavier now Drop the chin to the chest And then we’ll bring the head back up to Neutral Cool so hopefully a little bit warmer in The hips Stabilize the core stabilize the Shoulders You’re ready for your session or If you’re cooling down We’ve got that stabilization there [Music]