10 UNIQUE techniques from ‘the Quarryman’ πŸ§—πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

10 UNIQUE techniques from 'the Quarryman' (E8 7a) πŸ§—πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

The Beta Breakdown of The Quarry Man

Are you ready for a fun and witty journey through the North Wales climbing scene? Look no further, because we’re about to explore the Quarry Man, a four pitch climb that’s taking the climbing world by storm. In this article, we’ll break down ten unique techniques used by our climbing expert to send this challenging route. So buckle up, grab a chalk bag, and let’s go!

The Quarry Man Pitch by Pitch

Let’s start by getting to know the Quarry Man a little better. The first three pitches are all very similar, consisting of crimpy face climbs with edges, high steps, and lots of gross crystals. But the real showstopper is the infamous overhanging corner pitch, known as The Groove. This pitch is made up of two slightly overhanging flat walls that narrow at the start and widen at the top. It’s a truly unique climb that will test your strength and endurance.

High Stepping to Victory

Our climbing expert loves a good high step, and it’s no different on the Quarry Man. Thanks to their flexibility, they were able to high step near their neck and lift themselves up to the next hold. This technique proved to be incredibly useful on the Quarry Man and is a must-try for anyone looking to push their limits on the route.

Keep Climbing
Keep Climbing

The Mighty Mantle

Next up, we have the mantle. This technique was used on every single pitch to get over the big ledges at the end of each section. Imagine getting out of a pool, and you’ve got the motion of the mantle down. Our expert mantled their way over each pitch with ease, making this a must-know technique for anyone climbing the Quarry Man.

Finger Combinations and Upside-Down Palms

Have you ever tried using different finger combinations while climbing? Our expert did, and it was a game-changer on the Quarry Man. They found that using weird finger stacks and crimps made the climb easier and more ergonomic. Another unique technique used on the Quarry Man was the upside-down palm. Instead of using the usual palm-down method, our expert palmed in the opposite direction, using the heel of their hand to press on holds. It was a surprisingly stable technique that helped them send the route.

Crack Climbing Techniques on the Quarry Man

Last but not least, we have the crack climbing techniques used on the Quarry Man. Our expert started with the more traditional foot jam and finger jam, but then moved on to some more unusual techniques. The foot jam involved putting your foot in a sliver of a crack and twisting it to create a hold. Meanwhile, the finger jam required crimping a lot and finding cracks to put your fingers in. These techniques are not only useful for the Quarry Man but for any technical face climb that incorporates crack climbing.


And there you have it, folks, the Beta Breakdown of the Quarry Man. From high steps to upside-down palms, this route has it all. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or just starting out, these ten unique techniques are sure to take your climbing game to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start sending!

Summary of techniques used

Technique Description
High step A technique where the climber uses their flexibility to step high and lift themselves up from that position.
Mantle A technique where the climber throws a high step up and pushes over to finish a pitch, similar to getting out of a pool.
Different finger combinations A technique where the climber uses unusual finger combinations to grip the rock, such as full crimping, middle front and back two, and different finger stacks.
Upside down palm A technique where the climber uses the palm or heel of their hand to press on a hold, palming in the opposite direction.
Foot jam A crack climbing technique where the climber puts their foot in a crack and twists and jams it for stability.
Finger jam A crack climbing technique where the climber jams their fingers into a crack for stability and relief from crimping.

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