10 Handhold Techniques in Rock Climbing

10 Handhold Techniques in Rock Climbing

In this video, we talk about types of handholds and techniques. Each climber may use a different technique on any given hold, so it’s fun to know how to identify them. Learn these 10 terms: jug, crimp, mantle, side-pull, pinch, pocket, mono, hand-jam, sloper, and undercling.

Today we’re going to talk about types of Hand holds and different techniques my Name is Miss Lewis I teach rock climbing For a living and this is Mountain Syllabus It’s helpful to know how to identify Holds and techniques because it will Help you improve as a climber and to Give better beta it’s also fun to learn Because each climber may use a hold Differently Our first term is a jug A jug is a nice deep stable hole that You can wrap your fingers into you can Remember it by thinking of like the Handle on a milk jug On our fingers we have three different Pads here when you’re using a jug you Can typically wrap all of those pads on With all four of your fingers into the Hold Our next term is a crimp A crimp is typically a tiny hold this is When you can only use the first one Maybe two pads on your fingers you can Crimp two different ways with an open Grip or a closed grip an open grip is When your palm is able to rest flat on The rest of the rock and a closed grip Is when you’re utilizing that thumb to Give you a much more powerful move Our next term is mantle While climbing you might be able to put Your palm onto a hold typically

Something like a ledge then a mantle is The motion of pushing yourself up and Locking your elbow underneath you this Reminds me of pushing yourself up out of A pool Next up is a side Pole This is when you climb by pulling from The side rather than pulling from the Top this can be done straight out or Across your body Next up is a pinch Pinching is pretty straightforward think If you were a crab and you use your Entire hand as a claw onto a hold you Lock your thumb onto the side this Technique can depend on the size of the Hold and also the size of your hand [Music] Our next term is pocket Pockets are typically things that you Can put stuff into in this case it will Be your hand pockets are essentially Holes in the Rock sometimes you can fit Your whole hand into them or maybe just A few fingers Which brings us to our next type of Holds mono Mono is a one finger pocket your middle Finger is actually your strongest so Remember that if you’re ever utilizing a One finger pocket Next up is hand jams Hand jamming is a very unique type of Climbing used when there is a crack in

The Rock depending on the size of the Crack you may need one or both hands to Jam into it it’s an advanced technique And there are many different Configurations to utilize when hand Jamming so we’ll go over that more in Depth in a different video Our next term is sloper A sloper is when you grab onto a slope Surface rather than onto the edge of a Rock imagine trying to hold a basketball With only one hand it’s difficult to do Because there aren’t any substantial Features to put your fingers onto rather Just a slope surface to put your hand Around you’ll have to use friction to Keep you on until you can find better Features to pull on A last term is under cling An undercling is a hole that you grab From the bottom and pull up on generally Speaking your body weight will be Pulling against it typically from above All right we just went over a ton of new Terms try to identify these holds and Techniques next time you go out climbing Remember not to over grip so you can Save energy and rest on your skeletal Structure whenever possible I’m Miss Lewis and this is Mountain syllabus

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